Project days for schools in the energy self-sufficient village of Feldheim
We offer schools a four to five-hour long project day. Pupils learn about the energy self-sufficient village of Feldheim and gain solid knowledge of the production, storage and transportation of energy.
The various forms of renewable energy are dealt with in theory and practice. Pupils are divided into groups of up to 15 in order to create a more individual learning environment.

The Elements of a School Project Day
Wind Energy
Finally, pupils complete a quiz which tests their newly-acquired knowledge and receive an information folder on Feldheim to take away.

How to book a project day
Alternatively download the booking form, our flyer, terms and conditions and health and safety regulations imposed by the New Energies Forum Feldheim with a click on the green symbols.
Please print, sign and return the form to:
Förderverein Neue-Energien-Forum-Feldheim e.V.
Lindenstraße 11,
14929 Treuenenbrietzen OT Feldheim