Begeisterte Gäste der TU Dresden in Feldheim

Begeisterte Gäste der TU Dresden in Feldheim

Begeisterte Gäste am 25. Juni 2019 Feldheim. Im Umweltbereich tätige Fach- und Führungskräfte aus Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern besuchten im Rahmen eines Fortbildungsprogramm der TU Dresden Feldheim. Jedes Jahr findet im Centre for International Postgraduate Studies of Environmental Management ein sechsmonatiger Kurs mit einer umfassenden Palette von  Umwelthemen statt. Ein philippinischer Kursteilnehmer berichtet:

If a zombie apocalypse would happen and all the institutions eventually fail, there is only one place that I would go for a sanctuary. That is the village of Feldheim. Why? For obvious reason. The town is energy self-sufficient, running their own grid, and even supply energy to the national grid. Plus, they have a huge field to grow crops and a farm to raise livestock. Good enough to survive, right?

Now, back to reality.

The CIPSEM EM-42 participants recently had an excursion to the village of Feldheim, City of Treuenbrietzen, in the Brandenburg region. The village of 130 residents is about 60 kilometers southwest of Berlin. The villagers are proud to claim that they are the first energy-independent and the only energy self-sufficient community in Germany and a pioneer in the field of bio energy. This pride was reverberated by Feldheim’s official tour officer, Kathleen Thompson, who enthusiastically presented the facts and figures about the renewable energy undertaking of Feldheim.


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